CloudNC has partnered with HTEC, a global digital product development and engineering services company, to expand its software engineering capacity. The London-based firm, ranked sixth on the FactoryTech 50 list last year, is revolutionizing precision manufacturing through automated CNC CAM programming using high-spec factory data and experience. With expertise in computer science and physical manufacturing, the company is supported by Atomico and Episode 1 Ventures, as well as strategic partners Autodesk and Lockheed Martin.
Through the partnership, CloudNC will have access to experienced engineers to more quickly integrate its software solutions, such as CAM Assist, with additional CAM packages and wider technology platforms. This will enable the company to meet a broader range of customer needs, accelerate product launches, and strengthen its position in the market for additional growth.
According to Dr. Andy Cheadle, CTO at CloudNC, partnering with HTEC provides flexibility in quickly scaling up and overcoming talent acquisition challenges. HTEC’s proven track record of high-quality service combined with engineering expertise will enable CloudNC to empower lights-out factories.
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