The appointment of the first Chief Executive of York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority has been announced. James Farrar, currently serving as Interim Head of Paid Service and Director of Economy, will lead the Senior Leadership Team, providing vision and drive to ensure the Authority builds trust and delivers across the region.
Prior to this role, James was Chief Operating Officer of York & North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership, playing a key role in the development and implementation of the region’s historic devolution deal. This deal enables powers and funding to be transferred to the region for delivery by an elected Mayor and the new Combined Authority.
The Combined Authority is set to deliver £112 million of investment in 2024/25, including funds for local transport, housing, green economy, skills provision, and mayoral priorities. David Skaith, Mayor of York and North Yorkshire, expressed excitement for James’ appointment and highlighted the importance of securing a strong team to make a real impact on communities.
James Farrar expressed pride in leading the development and negotiation of the devolution deal and looks forward to working with the Mayor to turn it into reality. He emphasized the need for partnership and collaboration across the region to ensure success and benefit all parts of York and North Yorkshire.
The start date for the Chief Executive is yet to be determined, and a recruitment process will take place to fill James’ current position. This news comes after the appointment of Mike Russell as the Director of Resources, who expressed enthusiasm for contributing to the Authority’s vision and making a meaningful impact on residents’ lives through long-term positive change.